November 24


Which Holidays do you celebrate. Today i’m going be talking about the two things I celebrate on the holidays. The first Holiday I celebrate is Easter by in my nationality and family we celebrate greek easter. Greek easter is like normal easter but different in greek easter you smash red eggs with other people if you egg doesn’t have a crack then you win and the other tradition you do in Greek Easter is sometimes people put a coin inside read did you eat the bread and you trying to find the coin if you find the coin then you win.

Another holiday I celebrate is Christmas. Some people think that Christmas is all about getting and getting presents but it’s not about that it is about giving and the birth of jesus or the Christmas story. A tradition for Christmas is we decorate our house with Christmas tree fairy lights and a photo of Santa Claus. The popular colours for Christmas is green and red the red represents Santa and the green represents trees and the ordinance.

What holidays do you celebrate?

October 27


  In year five we went on a camp called Toonallok in the gippsland lakes. What I love the most was the shoe game because it was interesting and we had to throw a shoe so the water bottle falls down and our group team Chloe won. Also I loved my cabin I had Morgan, Ophelia, Paige and me we were all making up funny stories.

What I found challenging was the mosquitoes they keep on biting me and it was annoying and itchy. Also what was most challenging thing was on the second night was we went to expo in the bush and we sleep in tents and we had to bring a sleeping mat and the toilets were so far from our tents. 

The character strengths I have to use was collaboration with my parter to set up the tents I also had to use courage to do gardening, camp maintenance and setting up the table. I also had to use courage to do kayaking because it was hard to turn, go straight and crashing into other peoples kayak and also bike riding because there were lots of leaves on the ground and trees everywhere and also there were mosquitos everywhere while you were bike riding. 

have you ever build a tent before?


August 6

Sovereign Hill

My class and I went on a camp called Sovereign Hill. Sovereign Hill is a camp where you learn about the gold fields and the Eureka Stockade. We went to a school called The Wesleyan school the girls had to do sewing and the boys had to do drawing. Our teacher let us do some shopping I  got some raspberry drops and I went to the soap store and the soap smelled so good. The attribute I had to use for school was courage because I didn’t really know how to cross stitch but now I know how to cross stitch. We also did a activity it was called gold panning it was really fun but hard. We went on a tram tour deep down in the mine it was very cold and very mysterious. 

Have you ever been to a 1850s school?

December 4

Natural events

In our integrated we are learning about natural events . My natural event is a volcano It was fun to research.

I’m going to tell you 3 facts about a volcano.  

Did you know the different types of volcanoes get there name from what they look like ?

Volcanic eruptions have bad and good effects. 

The ash makes good fertiliser for plants. 

Did you know that a volcano eruption can last for seven weeks ?

What I most enjoyed about this unit is to study a natural event and doing our diorama without using our parents help.


If you made a diorama what would it be?